We have built a new ecommerce site for a UK client at www.cbdfx.co.uk .

Selling CBD+ Vape products to the UK market, the site was built with a clear brand message and ease of use in mind.
We have built a new ecommerce site for a UK client at www.cbdfx.co.uk .
Selling CBD+ Vape products to the UK market, the site was built with a clear brand message and ease of use in mind.
As we progress with moving all products to a single location, please be aware that our best selling guide, Atomic Backlinking can now be found at it’s new home here.
Our sister company, AllenLongworth have just launched their new web site: http://www.allenlongworth.com/
Offering custom web software solutions and consulting services, please take time to visit and see how AllenLongworth can work with your company.
We are delighted to have launched our latest project, YourVST.
Posting news, reviews tutorials and discount offers on all things to do with Virtual Instruments and computer recording software, we hope this new web site will be a hit.
Check for yourself at http://www.yourvst.com/
Back in the days when I was cutting my teeth trying to figure out how to make money online, I purchased a lot of courses, videos and guides. To be honest, most of it was absolute cr*p! Made up PayPal and ClickBank statements, instructions bordering on the illegal… Not only was it confusing, it was downright frustrating.
By chance, I happened to stumble upon two courses by American David Vallieres that changed the way I did everything. The first was “The Profit Loop System” that explained all about email marketing and the benefits of not only building a “list”but building relationships with your subscribers. The second was “You Can Make A Living Online” and I had seen this described as “The Ultimate ‘Make Money Online’ Guide” – I eagerly purchased and was not disappointed!
The beauty of anything Vallieres puts out is that he painstakingly works the systems himself before producing the guide. Everything is from first-hand experience. He knows what works and what doesn’t and leads you away from potential pitfalls. To be honest, the basis of everything I do online is still based on these two guides.
A few years back I was offered the chance to purchase resale rights to these two courses and it was probably the easiest decision I ever had to make!
I am pleased to offer both of these courses in the Kiosk2 store:
David Vallieres – Profit Loop System
David Vallieres – You Can Make Money Online
Do yourself a favour and take a look – both courses are complete and easy to implement and as relevant today as they were when they were released.
David Allen
(Unashamed Dave Vallieres Fanboy!)
For many people selling to offline clients, taking payments other than cash or cheques has often been a complicated process. Setting up a merchant account, installing a landline with a payment terminal (which limits you to only taking payments from your office) etc.
Recently, mobile terminals have been popping up and PayPal launched their own last year. I have recently discovered iZettle though and not only is it incredibly easy to set up and use, the transaction charges are very reasonable – 1.5% to 2.75% depending on the volume of business you do.
Even better news is though, you can take up to £1,000 at 0% transaction fees during your first month 🙂
The Card Reader is a one off payment of just £59 and allows to you to take Chip & PIN payments anywhere, connecting to your Smartphone. It links via Bluetooth to a whole host iPhone and Android devices.
Up your game in 2015 and get paid ANYWHERE. Check out iZettle today, you will be seriously impressed.
James Jackson’s Atomic Back-Linking is a comprehensive guide to getting tons of traffic using back links.
I am proud to be able to offer the whole package here at Kiosk2 and at only $17 it’s a no brainer investment.
Being an affiliate can sometimes be fraught with pitfalls.
The biggest pitfall of them all is getting your affiliate cookie on the prospect’s computer.
For what ever unknown psychological reason, some people just don’t like to think you’re making any money out of them, even if you’ve done them a service.
This is what happens. You spend a few hours writing up a big product review, and preselling the target product. Then you take the time out to create a link building campaign to get your review onto page 1 of Google.
You start to see search traffic hitting your site, but then you don’t make any commissions.
Simple. People can see your affiliate link and have decided they don’t want you to get a cut. Not very nice I know, but it happens more often than you think.
Even if you use a link cloaker, many people are now aware that all it’s doing is hiding an affiliate link, and will go to the extent of clearing their cookies before going to the destination site.
It’s getting harder and harder for an affiliate to make a commission nowadays.
So what’s the answer?
Simple. Don’t give them an affiliate link to click. Just give them a plain old direct link to the site, but make sure that before they click it, they already have your cookie on their computer.
When they go through to the site and buy, you get registered as the affiliate, and you make that commission.
Introducing PressDropper…
PressDropper is a WordPress plugin that ensures your commissions by “cookie-ing” your visitors BEFORE they go to the destination site.
They have no idea that by the time they hover over your plain text link in your review, they ALREADY have your affiliate cookie on their PC. When they buy, you earn the commission.
How Does It Work?
PressDropper works by allowing you to add your affiliate link to a WordPress post or page via the WordPress admin panel. When that post is viewed, your affiliate link is quietly and invisibly called in the background.
The visitor has no idea that this is happening – all they see is a plain text link that you add to your post. After all, there’s no need to make your affiliate link publicly visible within the post any more, as the visitor to your blog has already been cookied.
As far as they’re concerned, you’ve written a product review with no intent of financial gain, and they’re ready to go through to the site and buy.
Sneaky? Yes, BlackHat? Maybe, Profitable? Extremely!
PressDropper is very easy to use. Just upload and activate the plugin, then go to the PressDropper settings page and add your links, assigning each one to the post or page that you require.
Once you’re there you can add your affiliate links to as many posts or pages as you like.
Black Hat?
We recommend you use PressDropper responsibly. By that we mean only use one (or maybe two) affiliate links on each page or post.
PressDropper can also be used in a black hat manner by stuffing as many cookies as you like on a single page, and it’s inevitable that some people will want to use it that way as the rewards are high.
All we can say is, that’s up to you. If you think it’s worth it, then go right ahead, but it’s your responsibility if you do.
See It In Action NOW
Want to see how PressDropper works? Click HERE to see the demo in action.
Order Now
Take advantage of my current good mood and grab PressDropper now while you can at this bargain basement price. After I’ve hit my target 200 sales, the price WILL go up.
Having said that, PressDropper is good at any price, so you probably won’t mind paying double the price you see today.
I think that’s fair warning, don’t you?
David Allen
P.S. PressDropper is an easy to use WordPress plugin that will help you reclaim back commissions you would have otherwise lost.
P.P.S. There’s no doubt in my mind that PressDropper will give you a competitive edge over other affiliates, just don’t go crazy and stuff too many cookies!
P.P.P.S. There’s a 100% 30-day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I made a massive mistake in not updating my contact email address at GoDaddy – the one on the system was so old I was no longer using it. Only when it was too late did I discover a whole batch of my premium domain names had expired and worse still, registered by someone else!
All that work and years of renewal fees down the drain!
The one that annoyed me most was not in fact a business site but a hobby site of mine. Music is a huge passion for me and I had been building SoundSuggestion.com for a few years now. I was gutted, after a few months of neglect, to try and log in and add new content only to discover a spammy splash page. The domain had expired and re-registered by an unknown somewhere in the world. Faced with either trying to contact the person and negotiate a price to buy it back or register a new domain name (I still had a back up of the site itself) I chose the latter.
Not only is it now looking fantastic with it’s new design, it’s also ranking in the search engines better that it ever did. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you www.MusicBore.com
The moral of the story is to keep your details up to date in every account you have but also that even when disaster strikes, it’s not the end of the world and can sometimes prove to be a real positive.
So you know how it is, you take stock of everything you have done, everything you’ve built, achieved – your portfolio, legacy.
You take stock of everything and decide, “Nah! It’s not happening.”
Well regarding my online empire, that’s exactly where I was at. Everything was so fragmented, sites here, sales pages there. A forum here, a video there etc. etc.. It was a mess with no direction and I decided something had to change.
I could have taken the easy option and just tarted things up a bit, a new WordPress theme maybe, or some new graphics? In the end, I decided to bin all of my old, tired looking web sites and start afresh with a plan, purpose and direction. I started with this one!
Kiosk2 has been my main marketing brand for years now (named after a band I was in over 30 years ago) but due to a combination of laziness, distractions, kids growing up and just generally being busy elsewhere, I have neglected it.
The new look is just the start, watch out for further updates of my main products and brands.